Month: July 2020


Devices You Use With Your TV

It used to be that all you needed to run your television was a power outlet to plug it into and a rabbit-ear antenna to help pick up the signal. Nowadays, your TV is multi-functional and is the hub for many other devices. DVD or Blu-Ray Player Even if you stream most of your movies through WI-FI, you likely have a Blu-ray player for those times when the internet isn’t holding up its end of the bargain. You need to connect this to the right kind of TV with the right kind of cables. It’s a good idea to get

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Items to Keep Your End-of-School-Day Procedures Safe

As the principal or other staff member of a school in charge of safe dismissal procedures, it’s your job to ensure the children leaving the school are taken care of. This doesn’t just mean they head out the door on time. It also means they are able to get to the right bus, the right car, the right crosswalk or the right parent so they get home safely. The following are some must-have items to keep your end-of-day procedures running smoothly and safely. Backpack Tags There may be a lot of kids at your school and a lot of methods

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